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A member registered Jun 09, 2020

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thank you!

lol I like EVERYONE better than Gunnar I think Hayden left simular to Gunnar impression on me, I really didn't plan to get to knew any of them better :) 

so how exactly do I get 'no horny set'? I collected some tea leaves and I know all restrain potions and regen powder but there's still nothing in my journal 

wow you must rly enjoy his *cough cough* bc i fu-- got a black heart from him without any hesitation 

rly? there's a guide right in the game menu

am I the only one who experienced catharsis after the mc FINALLY yelled at them all? was it intended? it's like after a physically hard day laying down on the bed and dissolving into the softness of a mattress. but five times stronger and mentally. i loved it

yeah I understand you we are different maybe I really can't associate myself with him and it's just it - a dislike for something unfamiliar. and maybe he is a pussy

precisely, that's  exactly what he is ;)

no no i get he has amnesia but he definitely retained his personality

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pfft you mean he's a special case right?

oh yeah that damn dress, let's dress the slave in silk and gold why not? they couldn't find any extra puppies / bunnies clothes???

(3 edits)
guys guys comfort me please i really need it ☹☹☹
I loathe the mc. he is such a incredible brainless dumbass he's the only one 'tart' in this vn that I acknowledge. it seems like the author, after s/he came up with the plot, suddenly changed the sex of the mc but not the gender and it's just ridiculous... but I will close my eyes to this bc the main thing that infuriates me about him is his impenetrable ignorance. yes, at first it all looks like Adastra in a different wrapper but the mc of Adastra is actually trying to be ethical, respectful and careful with all these aliens while this idiot is not. I tried to go through all the chapters and only then write a review but oh well. he just calls the rabbit a racist and 'bunny' because this fluffball (rightfully) hates the wolves that made him and his people slaves and collect tribute from them??? yes tart, unlike you, the bunny does not give anyone a chance but you're eager to justify the insolent abuser that almost strangled you twice, and the cowardly playboy who I still don’t understand thinks and does. why should everything and everyone be extremes, why is the mc such a doormat...? the only ray of sunshine is Verissa, she's still did not disappoint me, she was the most reasonable and collected character of all and I like her. I'm tired, should I keep reading or it will only get worse? I LOVE the audiovisual component, it kept me going so far